Concurso Postdoc 2024 VAgosto SERC CHILE VFIN (1) Page 0001

SERC Chile – New Call for Postdoctoral Fellow Positions 2024.

New Call for Postdoctoral Fellow Positions 2024

The Solar Energy Research Center (SERC Chile) was created in 2012 by the Chilean Government as a center of excellence on solar energy research. The Center is a consortium integrated by six Chilean Universities (Universidad de Antofagasta, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Universidad de Concepción) and Fraunhofer Chile, and hosts about 80 researchers, students, and staff. The Center aims to be a leader in basic and applied research on solar energy technology and applications, with a particular emphasis on developing the solar potential of Chilean Atacama Desert, one of the prime locations in the world for the study and development of solar energy. To promote collaborative research and increase impact, SERC Chile has defined four strategic research focuses:

  1. Massive integration of large-scale solar energy to the electric interconnected systems
  2. Solar energy-based industry in Chile
  3. Development and widespread adoption of small-scale solar solutions
  4. Optimization and characterization of materials and solar resource under local conditions

SERC Chile has opened two Postdoctoral Fellow Positions for the following research lines:

Research Line 4 Energy Storage: The main objective of this line is to determine the optimal mix of energy storage technologies (including green H2 related technologies) under massive solar energy penetration, considering challenges and opportunities defined by local conditions. In this context, the research might be focused on large scale storage integration, assessment of new storage applications considering a behind-the-meter approach, the production and storage of H2 from solar energy, assessment of novel molten salt mixtures, among other fields.

Research Line 6 Sustainability: The general objective of this line of research is to analyze and propose, from an economic perspective, solutions that contribute to the full development of the country’s potential in terms of solar energy, to achieve higher penetration rates. In this context, the research is focused on analyzing the different potential effects of a high penetration of renewable energy in the Chilean energy matrix.

Relevant information

  • Applicants must be in possession of a PhD or Doctoral degree to start at this position.
  • The postdoctoral fellowships positions are held up to December, 2025.
  • Required documents should be provided in Spanish or English language in a single PDF file.
  • They must have residency permission in Chile at the time of application.
  • Selected applicants are expected to produce high-quality scientific results (publications, research grants, projects with industry, research networks).
  • Application deadline is July 22th, 2024.
  • Applications should be sent to and with the following subject: “SERC POSTDOCTORAL APPLICATION 2024”.
  • The offered gross monthly salary is 2.3 million Chilean pesos.

Required Documents

  1. Statement of purpose explaining your interest in becoming part of SERC Chile. Applicants should also indicate research topics addressed during the last 2 years and mention results obtained (papers, conferences, patents). Please, clearly state the research line/s you are interested applying to.
  2. Updated Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications. Please indicate whether these are conference articles or indexed publications.
  3. Documentation attesting possession of a PhD or Doctoral degree.
  4. Contact details of at least two references that may be contacted by SERC to provide a reference letter on your behalf.

Applications and further enquiries can be sent to and