Deep Edit
The Decentralized Economic Electricity Power Editor (Deep Edit) software is a simulation and analysis tool for Electrical Power Systems developed by the Energy Center of the University of Chile.
The new challenges for the electricity sector require, as a basis for development, a tool that allows describing the different components of the electricity sector, without decoupling the technical aspects from the economic ones. This facilitates the creation of tools for decision making in competitive environments. The software has a user-friendly visualization tool of the electric power systems, allowing the visualization of transmission systems, the simulation of economic dispatches, AC flow simulation, short-circuit studies, visualization of the daily programming performed by the National Electric Coordinator of Chile, among other features.
Its main features are: Use of object-oriented programming, which offers an efficient alternative for the development of an object-oriented database and analysis, design and programming tools, with which it is possible to address the new degree of complexity in the modeling of an electric power system. The object-oriented model developed has been implemented as a distributed system, based on a client-server architecture. This facilitates its incorporation to Internet technology and creates a modular structure easy to extend and maintain.
In the following link you can access the web page of this development: https://deepedit.org/
For more information, please contact contacto@centroenergia.cl

Deep Edit
The Decentralized Economic Electricity Power Editor (Deep Edit) software is a simulation and analysis tool for Electrical Power Systems developed by the Energy Center of the University of Chile.
The new challenges for the electricity sector require, as a basis for development, a tool that allows describing the different components of the electricity sector, without decoupling the technical aspects from the economic ones. This facilitates the creation of tools for decision making in competitive environments. The software has a user-friendly visualization tool of the electric power systems, allowing the visualization of transmission systems, the simulation of economic dispatches, AC flow simulation, short-circuit studies, visualization of the daily programming performed by the National Electric Coordinator of Chile, among other features.
Its main features are: Use of object-oriented programming, which offers an efficient alternative for the development of an object-oriented database and analysis, design and programming tools, with which it is possible to address the new degree of complexity in the modeling of an electric power system. The object-oriented model developed has been implemented as a distributed system, based on a client-server architecture. This facilitates its incorporation to Internet technology and creates a modular structure easy to extend and maintain.
In the following link you can access the web page of this development: https://deepedit.org/
For more information, please contact contacto@centroenergia.cl