CE-FCFM is self funded thanks to the development of projects entrusted by various institutions from both public and private spheres, to grant funds earmarked for scientific production, innovation and entrepreneurship, and to the collaboration with a number of international institutions. Each one of these bodies, either interested or involved in the energy sector, contribute to the development of the field and the creation of technological solutions aimed at enriching the industry and promoting entrepreneurship so as to transform knowledge into companies and businesses with positive economic and social impact.
Centro de Energía works with a number of institutions in the public sphere, such as:
- Centro Nacional para la Innovación y Fomento de las Energías Sustentables, CIFES
- Centros de Despachos CDEC-SIC y CDEC-SING
- Corporación Nacional del Cobre, CODELCO
- Comisión Nacional de Energía, CNE
- Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, CORFO
- Corporación Regional de Aysén
- Corporación Regional de Coquimbo
- Empresa de Ferrocarriles del Estado, EFE
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Energy
- Department of Finance
- Department of the Environment
- Department of Mining
- Department of International Affairs
- Department of Transportation of Communications
- Municipalidad de Punta Arenas
- Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustible, SEC
Centro de Energía works with various institutions in the private sphere, such as:
- Abengoa
- Colbún
- Chilquinta Energía
- E-CL
- Enel Green Power
- Energía Andina
- Entel
- Fundación Avina
- Fundación Chile
- Gas Atacama
- GDF-Suez / Engie
- Hidroaysén
- Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi
- Megared
- Nissan Marubeni
- Pacific Hydro
- Transelec
- Valhalla Energy
In order to develop its projects, Centro de Energía is constantly applying for grant funds offered by various State organisms.
Centro de Energía develops projects for various international entities, such as:
- Inter-American Development Bank, IDB
- Electrical Energy Research Center, Cepel, Brazil
- Energy Exemplar, Australia
- Ingenio Magdalena, Guatemala
- European Union Alfa Programme
- European Union Stage-STE Programme
- South South North, South Africa
Centro de Energía’s research and academic cooperation network includes, amongst others:
- German Society for International Cooperation, GIZ
- Imperial College, United Kingdom
- German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD
- Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
- University of Marburg, Germany
- University of Arizona, United States
- University of Cape Town, South Africa
- University of Auckland, New Zealand