In 2020 Chile updated its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and proposed as a goal that it’s emissions be less than 95 million tCO2eq in the year 2030, that the emissions budget between 2020 and 2030 be less than 1100 million tCO2eq (cumulative emissions) and reach the goal of carbon neutrality in net emissions by the year 2050. The “Carbon Neutrality Observatory for Chile” is an independent initiative of the University of Chile whose main objective is to monitor the level of compliance with the carbon neutrality target proposed by Chile in its NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution). This development carries out an updated estimation, with no more than one year of delay, of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory of the energy sector, of the fulfillment of the GHG reduction commitments, both at the level of the emissions budget (Carbon Budget) and at the level of the implementation goals of the measures. The estimates of the updated values of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (GHGI) are based on official nationwide sources. Estimates of GHG emission reductions from the mitigation measures under consideration and the scenarios formulated are modeled using the PMR Energy Model computational platform and updated information regarding sectors and technologies.
Access to the Carbon Neutrality Observatory through this link: https://observatoriocarbononeutral.cl/

In 2020 Chile updated its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and proposed as a goal that it’s emissions be less than 95 million tCO2eq in the year 2030, that the emissions budget between 2020 and 2030 be less than 1100 million tCO2eq (cumulative emissions) and reach the goal of carbon neutrality in net emissions by the year 2050. The “Carbon Neutrality Observatory for Chile” is an independent initiative of the University of Chile whose main objective is to monitor the level of compliance with the carbon neutrality target proposed by Chile in its NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution). This development carries out an updated estimation, with no more than one year of delay, of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory of the energy sector, of the fulfillment of the GHG reduction commitments, both at the level of the emissions budget (Carbon Budget) and at the level of the implementation goals of the measures. The estimates of the updated values of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (GHGI) are based on official nationwide sources. Estimates of GHG emission reductions from the mitigation measures under consideration and the scenarios formulated are modeled using the PMR Energy Model computational platform and updated information regarding sectors and technologies.
Access to the Carbon Neutrality Observatory through this link: https://observatoriocarbononeutral.cl/