Sufficiency Power in Flexible Electric Systems
The general objective of this study is to propose a well-founded methodology for the sufficiency power payment that variable renewable energy generation sources should receive in the National Electric System.
As a result of this study, the Energy Center developed a methodology to quantify the sufficiency of the contribution of renewable power plants with variable generation, based on an approximation of the ECP (Equivalent Conventional Power) methodology. When measuring the contribution to sufficiency with this methodology, it is observed that it quantifies the contribution to sufficiency of the plants under different configurations of electrical matrices, in a better way, such as systems with and without storage capacity, and systems with and without renewable generation during peak demand hours.
The “Study and methodology proposal for sufficiency power recognition in flexible electric systems” was commissioned by ACERA to the Energy Center of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile during 2017. Subsequently, the results of this work have been used as background in the 2020 flexibility strategy of the Ministry of Energy.
Final report available at: Informe final PDF
Paper result of this work available at: Página web paper

Sufficiency Power in Flexible Electric Systems
The general objective of this study is to propose a well-founded methodology for the sufficiency power payment that variable renewable energy generation sources should receive in the National Electric System.
As a result of this study, the Energy Center developed a methodology to quantify the sufficiency of the contribution of renewable power plants with variable generation, based on an approximation of the ECP (Equivalent Conventional Power) methodology. When measuring the contribution to sufficiency with this methodology, it is observed that it quantifies the contribution to sufficiency of the plants under different configurations of electrical matrices, in a better way, such as systems with and without storage capacity, and systems with and without renewable generation during peak demand hours.
The “Study and methodology proposal for sufficiency power recognition in flexible electric systems” was commissioned by ACERA to the Energy Center of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile during 2017. Subsequently, the results of this work have been used as background in the 2020 flexibility strategy of the Ministry of Energy.
Final report available at: Informe final PDF
Paper result of this work available at: Página web paper